Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Flowers


Gerbera - Grown in the hottest climates of Asia and Africa, nearly 350 intense shades are available.

Season: year-round

Colors: white, yellow, organe, pale pink, dark pink, and red

Scent: none

Meaning: needing protection, friendship



Amaryllis - Originated in the tropical rainforests in Africa and South America.

Colors: white, pale yellow, pale green, pink, salmon, and red

Season: November - April

Scent: none

Meaning: Splendid beauty, pride



Peony - Cultivated in Asia for more than a thousand years and developed further by the French. The peony is a cherished wedding flower, available in two main types: the herbaceous and the tree peony.

Season: spring, imported; scentless vaiety available in the fall in winter

Colors: white, cream, peach, pink, burgundy

Scent: sweet and mild to very aromatic

Meaning: beauty, welcome, bashfulness


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